終於渡過在新公司的第一個星期,來到 Friday night。安妮很喜歡在這裡與同事互動的方式,感覺得到大家對公司的一種歸屬感,凝聚著一股向心力。同事們都有一種好玩的年輕活力,work hard, play harder 是形容上班氣氛的最佳寫照。
今天才知道原來公司有個Happy Hour的傳統,他們稱做是 601 Club,也就是每個星期五的六點零一分,準時放下工作離開公司,來到公司底下的 Champagne lounge 喝一杯。大家卸下工作時的戰鬥狀態,調整心情迎接週末的到來。
安妮在洗手間的鏡子前端詳自己,把盤起來的長髮放了下來,拿出化妝包裡的眼影調整了眼妝。淡淡的煙燻效果跟加強後的眼線,馬上讓情緒提升,ready for party!
It's Friday night, Annie has passed her first week in the new company. She enjoys the working environment and the way of bond between colleagues. They exchange a young vibe. Work hard, play harder.
She learned that in this office, they have an Happy Hour event that is called "the 601 Club", that is, on each Friday, nobody works overtime, they all go down to the nearby bar for a drink before heading home.
Annie looks at herself in the washroom mirror, puts down her long hair. She takes out her make-up kit and gets herself ready for the party!
45 Degree present you the Annie's Diary Stamps of the day.
Please join Annie for the fun!